Lieutenant James enlisted in 2004, graduated from the Coast Guard’s College Student Pre-Commissioning Initiative in 2006, then proceeded to logistics billets on board the USCGC Seneca (WMEC-906) and various Headquarters Program Support Product Lines. Graduating from the University of South Florida, where he specialized in archival research, he went on to study legal research at the University of DC. He is a plank owner of the Coast Guard Office of the Chief of Staff, C5I Service Center, Sector St. Petersburg, and currently on the Data Readiness Task Force.

Articles by Caleb James

Coast Guard

The Path to a Data-Driven Coast Guard

By Lieutenant (junior grade) Evan Twarog and Lieutenants Joseph Kidwell and Caleb James, U.S. Coast Guard
August 2021
Coast Guard Essay Contest—Second Prize, Sponsored by the U.S. Naval Institute. Integrated data-management systems will empower Coast Guardsmen to better and more efficiently do their jobs.